Sunday, August 21, 2011

a creole manor...

loving the simplistic beauty of this creole manor 

here is a bit, from garden and gun magazine, about the home's current owner, southern designer and antiques dealer, patrick dunne (proprietor of lucullus, an antiques store, with locations in new orleans and  beaux bridge, louisiana):

The first change Patrick Dunne made to his Creole country house was to remove the dishwasher, a bold statement given how much the New Orleans epicure entertains. He grinds coffee by hand, and though his home has central air-conditioning, he prefers to throw open the sashes and fill the rooms with fresh air. He sleeps under a mosquito net, not for decoration but to keep the bat-sized bayou moths out of his bed. Antique roses, bearing names such as ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’, ‘Rev d’Or’, and ‘Old Blush’, dominate his parterre garden, and spiky vetiver and citronella sprouting alongside his front gallery drive away mosquitoes the same way they might have done when the home was built two centuries ago.

prairie seed


SImple and Serene Living said...

love this house.

the old white house said...

fabulous house fabulous attitude!


Ivangel said...

OHHHHHH I would love a home like this... fabulous.. absolutely fabulous!! A far cry from my living in Chicago!!